Franchising - Doyuyo!
Right Location, Right Investment!

At Doyuyo!, we can define our goal as creating a franchise network that “prioritizes quality over quantity.

We are working with an average of 40 investor partners to implement 100 Doyuyo! restaurants, which will be located at effective points in main arteries and shopping malls, and to establish a strong restaurant network system with our prestigious and competent investor partners.

In this process, our priority is to grow our brand while creating profitable investments for our investors in effective sales points with high turnover potential.


The Doyuyo! Family Works and Wins Together!

At Doyuyo!, we share problems and happiness with our investors, we act as a family with all our employees supporting each other in good and bad days.


Doyuyo!, The Manufacturer!

Doyuyo! produces its main products in 4000 m2 production facilities under the roof of PardoFood. Our buns, sauces, chicken and meat products are produced and packaged with PardoFood's quality approach and delivered to our restaurants daily and fresh with our logistics infrastructure.

All needs that are not within the scope of production are supplied by the PardoFood team at the best prices. With the assurance of the best quality product supply, our investors can focus on hosting their guests in the best way possible.


Doyuyo! The Franchise Friendly Brand!

PardoFood, one of the most experienced teams in the food and beverage sector, keeps its communication with its dealers at the highest level. PardoFood team works with great care and attention to listen to the problems, produce solutions and support the investor.

With professional marketing efforts carried out from PardoFood headquarters, the Doyuyo! brand is supported with national advertisement campaigns throughout the year.


Doyuyo! Abroad!

For franchise applications abroad, only Master Franchise applications are accepted. You may send us your applications via this link.

Application Form

You can write us any questions, comments and suggestions about Doyuyo!. Click to reach the contact form.

Career Application Form

Are you ready to take the first step to re-plan your career with the Doyuyo! family? Click here for the application form!

Pardo Food

In Pursuit of Superior Taste Experience
